Celebrating 33 years. Serving Ohio's Churches since 1991 "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"  Ohio State Motto

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breaking news Congressional Voter Guides for 1st 9th and 13th districts
Mon, Oct 14th, 2024 3:45:53 pm

BOOK TOUR - For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
Thu, Apr 18th, 2024 11:37:32 am

For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. Click Here To Schedule Chris Long to Speak

Introduction For Their Honor - How the D-Day Prayer was added to the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.

This book was written to tell the eleven-year journey of how one of the largest mass prayers in history was added to the World War II Memorial. The D-Day Prayer was one of FDR’s fireside chats, but it stands alone as an incredible moment in American history. The date was June 6th, 1944. Operation Overlord, the D-Day invasion of western France, was already underway by the Allied nations. News reports throughout the day were released from General Eisenhower’s headquarters with short statements, but with few details of what was happening with the landings and on the beaches of France. The American public anxiously awaited throughout the day to hear from President Roosevelt for more details on the historic invasion. What they heard that evening was a President inviting them to join him in prayer. This book tells the story of how this wonderful historic presidential prayer was added to the National Mall in Washington as a permanent addition to an already magnificent monument that was dedicated in the honor and for the memory of the Greatest Generation, the 16 million Americans who served us in World War II. In the book, you will notice themes that run through the storyline of Ohioans who played a key role in the creation of the World War II Memorial, and another Ohioan who launched the Honor Flights in 2005 that brought veterans from across the country to visit the memorial that was erected in their honor. You will learn of yet another Ohioan who was one of two medics with the 101st Airborne who were dropped into France and set up a med station in a 700-year-old Chapel in Angoville France, demonstrating the western ethic of unbiased compassion as they cared for both German and American wounded troops. This book details the storyline of the hand of Providence that guided us as we worked through both the legislative and fundraising efforts to see this prayer become a permanent addition to the Memorial. It is a story worth telling as it pays honor to the Greatest Generation in acknowledgment of their sacrifice and service for the cause of freedom and gives glory to the God who answers prayer. It is also written to inspire others to work to advance those same principles and values espoused by the Greatest Generation, and to keep telling their story for generations to come.

The book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books A Million also at DDayPrayerProject.org

Freedom Banquet - Candidate Forum February 22, 2024
Fri, Mar 1st, 2024 9:48:35 pm


Freedom Banquet - Candidate Forum February 22, 2024

Thanks to all our staff volunteers and emcee's for helping to make the Ohio Christian Alliance Freedom Banquet/ Candidate Forum a great success.

Click here to view the pics from the OCA Freedom Banquet and Candidate Forum

  • Candidate Forum with U.S. Senate Candidates Bernie Moreno and videos provided by Frank LaRose and Matt Dolan - MC Bob Frantz of WHK 1420 AM Salem Cleveland
    Part two of Candidate Forum 13th Congressional District with Former State Senator Kevin Coughlin and Hudson City Councilman Chris Banweg
    Dinner Program keynote speaker Bill Federer of The American Minute, MC Bob Burney of WRFD 880 AM Salem/Columbus
Never Alone Act H.B. 236
Mon, Dec 4th, 2023 11:55:05 am

Click Here to read the bill -

The Asbury Revival- Is this the beginning of a major move of God in our day? 
Wed, Feb 22nd, 2023 3:19:34 pm

The Asbury Revival- Is this the beginning of a major move of God in our day? 

On February 8th, a regular weekly chapel service at Asbury University turned into something much more. Unscripted and unplanned, a young man began to confess his sins openly, and the whole student congregation began to pray, confess, fill the altars, and enter into worship that continued night and day for more than two weeks. The little town of  Wilmore, Kentucky of 6,000 residents was inundated with over 55,000 visitors since February 8th. People are coming from all over the country and from other nations.  

On this week's News in Focus, we cover the Asbury Revival and how it is spreading to multiple campuses across the country. We will have eyewitness reports and a pastors panel with Tim Throckmorton and Pastor Rodney Lord to discuss the historical revivals and what this current move of God among our young people might indicate. Don't miss this special broadcast, and please share it with family and friends. It is filled with powerful information about the revival. #revival #asbury #prayer 

Statement from the Ohio Christian Alliance on the Ohio House Election of Speaker Rep. Jason Stephens
Wed, Feb 22nd, 2023 1:48:28 pm



Video from State Central Committee Meeting on Censorship Vote

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OCA Press Release of the improper investigation by State agencies on Joseph Wurzelbacher
Tue, Dec 2nd, 2008 5:50:55 pm

Chris Long, OCA President, said "This issue is not a partisan battle. It is, however, a direct threat to individual freedoms of every American to participate, engage, and question candidates and office holders on a variety of subjects. The issue simply stated is, ‘Does the state government have the right to investigate private citizens simply because they ask questions of candidates and/or office holders?"

Ohio Christian Alliance Urges Up or Down Vote on S.B. 174 Ohio’s Ban on Human Cloning
Tue, Apr 29th, 2008 5:33:27 pm

Ohio Christian Alliance Urges Up or Down Vote on S.B. 174 Ohio's Ban on Human Cloning

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CPAC panel discussion.

John Fund, Wall Street Journal
Cleta Mitchell, Foley & Lardner LLP
Bob Williams, Evergreen Freedom Foundation

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