Celebrating 20 Years 1991-2011 



We are fighting a technological war as conservatives.

Thu, Aug 18th, 2016 1:24:03 am

We are fighting a technological war as conservatives. Elections have consequences. The radical Left knows this. And that's why they are all in to push the election towards their candidates. with their liberal so-called progressive agendas. If we are to match their efforts, we must double our efforts. There is no substitute for boots on the ground. To take territory, you must have people willing to volunteer hours to register and educate voters on the issues. That's what we do at the Ohio Christian Alliance. Our success over the years is due in large part to an army of unsung heroes - our volunteers who care deeply about this country and its future, for their children and grandchildren. Much is at stake in this election. If we are going to change course, it means we much engage now. Ohio is a battleground state, so the battle is being fought right here. God bless you, all of our volunteers.



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