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Tomorrow there will be a vote on the House floor on HB 7, a Common Core opt-out measure titled "student safe harbor"

Tue, Feb 10th, 2015 11:24:25 pm
OCA staff

Tomorrow there will be a vote on the House floor on HB 7, a Common Core opt-out measure titled "student safe harbor". Below is an article about an award-winning language arts teacher from Elyria Ohio who was nationally recognized who is quitting the teaching profession over Common Core standards. Recently, I was in a meeting in Wadsworth where another award-winning 8th grade history teacher was speaking with Dr. Schramm of the Ashland Univ Ashbrook Center, who stated she saw what Common Core was doing to her math and language art teacher colleagues, and that if Ohio was to adopt Common Core standards for social studies, she will quit the profession. WE MUST STOP COMMON CORE. John Kasich and Jeb Bush are all for it. I say we send them packing and support candidates who support local control of school districts, not federalized curriculum. Click here to read the full article!

Click here to read HB 7

Common Core will decimate the teaching ranks. Those who support it should have considered that before they pushed this folly on the Ohio educational system. OCA and its partners are committed to the abolishment of the Common Core standards. Tomorrow begins that legislative action with HB 7 on the House floor for a vote. It allows for students to opt out of the testing. It is a small first step to getting rid of this monstrosity that is strangling our educational system in Ohio. It is tragic that we are losing good teachers over Common Core.



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