Celebrating 20 Years 1991-2011 



Thanks to all who made the Fall Freedom Banquet a special night to celebrate freedom.

Mon, Sep 30th, 2019 1:16:41 pm

Thanks to all who came to the Fall Freedom Banquet and helped to make it a special evening, AG Dave Yost, SOS Frank LaRose, Senator Roegner, Dave Barton, John Coats, Bob Burney, Matt and Melanie Miller. Click here to see more pictures from Friday night's dinner. 

The day began with a Pastors Luncheon with David Barton talking with pastors on religious liberty and the Founding Fathers. David discussed the importance of what God is doing to change the land by giving us judges that will rightly judge according to His statutes. This is how God will begin to heal the land. Recent court decisions favorable to religious liberty have already begun to have a ripple effect, changing the course of the judiciary's view of religion and religious liberty. 

Friday night's dinner was attended by supporters from around the State of Ohio. Addressing the attendees were State Attorney General Dave Yost, Secretary of State Frank LaRose, and Senator Kristina Roegner who received the Ohio Christian Alliance Life Award for her sponsorship of Ohio's Heartbeat Bill S.B. 23.  Legislators also in attendance were Representative Mark Romanchuk, Representative Todd Smith, Senator Andy Brenner, and former State Representative Andy Thompson. College students from Capitol University, Ohio Christian University, and Kent State University were in attendance. 



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