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Protect Ohio's Vote Constitutional Amendment for Voter Photo ID Requirement

Tue, Sep 22nd, 2015 12:15:53 pm
OCA Staff

Protect Ohio's Vote Constitutional Amendment for Voter Photo ID Requirement

Constitutional Amendment to Adopt Voter Photo ID Requirement for Ohio launched today at the Ohio Liberty Coalition meeting in Marysville, Ohio.

Protect Ohio's Vote PAC Committee today announced and began circulating petitions to adopt voter photo ID requirement for Ohio. Chris Long made the following statement, " Voter fraud is a growing problem in Ohio. After a 15 month citizens'-led audit of BOE's across the State of Ohio that discovered numerous irregularities, suspicious activity, inaccuracies in reporting, and outright voter fraud, the citizens committee highly recommended voter photo ID requirement as an initiative to combat the growing voter fraud problem in the battle ground State of Ohio."
FRUSTRATED with the inability of the Ohio Legislature over the past two sessions to pass legislation that would require voter photo ID requirement for Ohio that polls at 70% favorability in Ohio and nationally, this citiizens-led initiative has launced today to place the measure on the balllot sometime in 2016.

Petitions are available upon request. Please phone 330-887-1922 and we will mail you out a petition.



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