Ohio Christian Alliance

Click here to register to be a volunteer for your church, helping to conduct the voter registration effort.

Click here to download the Citizenship Sunday packet for your church!


Conduct a Successful Voter Registration Effort at Your Church on September 27th and October 4th. Join churches around Ohio and their congregants as they register to vote.

When people of faith vote their values, we all win. Better government begins with a well informed electorate.

John Adams stated, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other."

Thomas Jefferson stated, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

Patrick Henry stated, "This great nation was not founded by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ."

This is not a time that we should abdicate our role as Christians when our nation needs us most. This is no time to cower and to hide in the face of ridicule. It is time to take a bold stand for righteousness. If we don't, who will?

The Ohio Christian Alliance will also provide a State Issues Ballot Insert with information about the state ballot issues. Click here to request voter guide ballot inserts for your church. 

OCA is urging a NO Vote on Issue 3.  Issue 3 is an attempt to legalize marijuana in the State of Ohio. The Ohio Christian Alliance strongly opposes the legalization of marijuana.  Click here to request your OCA Ballot issues Voter Guides!

Click here to download the Citizenship Sunday packet for your church!


  Ohio Christian Alliance is a non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting Judeo-Christian values in American government. Ohio Christian Alliance does not endorse any particular candidate or political party. OCA provides educational materials, including voter guides and scorecards.s.s.

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